What You Should Expect with Pool Design

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If you are considering adding a swimming pool on your property, the vision of a marvelous finished pool is probably what resides in your mind. Unfortunately, pool design is not so immediate. In order to not be surprised by the chaos before the brilliance, it is important to know what to expect with pool design.

  • Pool DesignDesign & Layout. The first step is the design and layout you are hoping to create, whether you are creating a custom pool and including your own ideals, or choosing a pre-designed pool.
  • Permits. Permits are always needed when adding on to a home, and pools are no exception. Permits will be needed for building, electrical, and digging, and you will need to make sure power and gas lines will not be affected.
  • Digging. Once the permits are in hand, digging out the area for the pool will begin. This will be messy and may look scary, but once the pool is done, you will have no regrets.
  • In-Ground Construction. This includes lighting for the pool, plumbing, drains, skimmers, and tiling of the inside of the pool.
  • Electrical Connections. Electrical connections will need to be made for the pool lighting and pumps to work.
  • Decking. The decking can be made of whatever material you choose, whether concrete, pavers, wood, or even PVC.
  • Pool Equipment. Pool equipment needed in most in-ground pools are filters, pumps, valves, and automatic sanitizing systems. This equipment is known as the circulation and filtration equipment.
  • Finishing. The final touches can finally be put on your pool, including filling it up! Your pool is complete, and you are on your way to enjoying the benefits of undertaking such a project.

At Lake Norman Signature Pools & Patios, we are the quickest and most experienced company when it comes to turning your dream pool into a reality. We are located in Mooresville, North Carolina and are standing by to help you design your perfect pool, and our sister company, Chad Goodin Signature Homes, can complete the installation. For more information or to schedule an appointment, please contact us.